How can I increase my attractiveness?

Attraction is very much mental as it is physical. If you were to ask google according to the Cambridge Dictionary " Attraction is also the force of gravity (= force that makes objects fall toward earth), or the force of a magnet that pulls things toward it. The other definition you would get is " Attraction is a feeling of liking someone, and often of being sexually interested in them. " Combine these two together and we get a definition of "attraction is something that draws our attention to it." That's why amusement parks, billboards, clubs, raves and circuses are called "attractions", they draw us in to their liveliness and peak our curiosity.

For most of us, our looks are rather stuck; a product of genetics that were completely out of our control. After a certain age our physical bone structure becomes fixed only capable of minimal ideal changes after the age of 22. What can be done however, is appeal to people's psychology towards "attractions" and become like an attraction in order to increase our attractiveness. This is kind of similar to how businesses and companies market themselves. They spread their company and product across several platforms and use many tactics to get your attention.

If ultimately personality outcompetes looks and "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" then it's a matter of marketing yourself properly in order to increase your attractiveness. The best display of psychological attractiveness we know of is the Sun.

So, how does the sun command our attention? It's big, bright and familiar. The way the sun grabs out attention is by being the brightest thing the common man is able to see on a day-to-day basis. It doesn't ask for your attention or come up to you on the street, it simply is..and we see it every day and have since the dawn of humanity. The sun without having any personality gathers followers and worshippers simply by being. The sun isn't physically alluring and is technically unattractive due to it's blinding effect on the eyes yet we're drawn to it. How can you command such a presence while not being conventionally attractive yourself?

  1. Joy

joy - is the feeling of pleasure and expression of happiness regardless of external circumstances. Positivity in it of itself is one the most attractive qualities a person can display and it's synonymous with attraction in the English dictionary for a reason. In a world with so much uncertainty and fear, people are drawn to those who can display positivity in spite of it all; everyone wants to feel what they feel and absorb some of their positive energy. The sun triggers the chemical serotonin in the body which lowers cortisol(the stress hormone) allowing for us to feel happier throughout our day. The sun as well as any attraction evoke feelings of happiness and joy and that's what many people strive for ultimately throughout their lives. The same way humans and animals yawn when someone else does is the same with positivity, it spreads and is shared with others.

  1. Size

    The sun, It is huge. Sitting at 864,000 miles(1,392,000 km) in diameter the sun is 109 times wider than Earth. That's around 1.3 million earths that can fill that size. Something that size you simply cannot miss. Now according to an article by girlpowerstrong, they scoured over 1000 romance novels for women and found out that 95% of women's ideal height for a man is over 6 feet tall!

    Now the height in itself isn't impressive but when compared to the height of the average man universally 5.6 feet and woman 5.2 feet a person that tall stands out rather easily and is quite rare. In modeling it isn't just preferred but practically restricted to such heights. The simple concept is, height equates to attraction. We all accidentally may step on an ant every now and again and it's because they simply don't catch our attention to prevent such happenings. A 7-foot person entering a room designed to house 5 10 persons is sure to catch everyone's attention accidentally.

    Sure enough, a person who is 5 foot and two inches in height is sure to be missed. Again, this may not mean that you're going to find the Hulk (9 feet tall) sexually arousing but you will find your eyes and posture generally in the direction of the tallest objects. So what's the solution? This book is not here to make you suddenly feel insecure about your height but to open your mind to different perceptions. There is no need to now go get leg surgery or buy shoe lifts because as stated earlier the sun is HUGE. It's the size that draws us in. The only way gravity works is by size. Size literally creates a dent in space that sucks anything in. That's not to say you should become fat but instead to increase your dimensions...

    Take superheroes for example. What makes them majestic isn't just their glow or their model physique. Or the fact they are SUPER, but all of the classic heroes always had Capes! Why?

    It just made them that more majestic and attractive. It's not practical and certainly doesn't actually add any value but it increases their dimensions making them look even bigger. An analysis on body language tells us that someone who puts both hands on their waist making their arms V - shaped is trying to establish dominance where they have none. They do it to make themselves look bigger and to draw attention. So, maybe consider growing your hair out really long or puffy, building a nice frame in the gym, wearing skirts, or cardigan shirts. All of these come together to make a very attractive individual.


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